CE Certification

EMC Testing and Compliance LLP, as a leading testing service provider, also offers the facility for CE certification of various products. 

Looking to get CE Certification in Gurgaon? With our experienced team and industry-leading technology, you can be sure your certification is done right - the first time. We have the necessary capabilities to assist manufacturers in obtaining CE certification for products such as lighting, IT equipment, decorative lamps, toys, and leather & footwear products. 

CE certification is a mandatory requirement for products placed on the market within the European Economic Area (EEA), indicating compliance with EU health, safety, and environmental standards. EMC Testing and Compliance LLP's facility enables manufacturers to ensure their products meet the essential requirements of applicable EU directives and harmonized standards. Through the CE certification process, including testing, documentation review, and conformity assessment, EMC Testing and Compliance LLP helps manufacturers affix the CE mark on their products, allowing them to freely market and sell within the EEA.

With EMC Testing and Compliance's expertise and facility for CE certification, manufacturers can demonstrate their commitment to meeting European standards and gain access to the European market, building trust among consumers and regulatory authorities.

Contact Us Today

Let us help you ensure compliance and product quality

EMC Testing and Compliance LLP, 115, Pace City 1, Sector 37, Gurgaon, India, 122001


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